S. Pilari, L. Fronton and W. Huisinga
Monoclonal Antibody Disposition beyond Target Binding: Impact of FcRn on Clearance and Derivation of Mechanistic Compartment Models
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W. Huisinga, A. Solms, L. Fronton and S. Pilari
Modeling inter-individual variability in physiologically-based pharmacokinetics and its link to mechanistic covariate modeling
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(open access), Suppl Material (Data
& Matlab code
B. You, M. Pollet-Villard, L. Fronton, C. Labrousse, A.M. Schott, T. Hajri, P. Girard, et al.
Predictive values of hCG clearance for risk of methotrexate resistance in low risk gestational trophoblastic neoplasia.
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B. You, L. Fronton, H. Boyle, J.P. Droz, P. Girard, B. Tranchand, B. Ribba, M., H. Coquelin, A. Fléchon
Predictive value of modeled AUC (AFP-hCG), a dynamic kinetic parameter characterizing serum tumor marker decline in patients with nonseminomatous germ cell tumor.
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L. Fronton
Population pharmacokinetic analysis of a 5-HT4 agonist in the treatment of GERD
MSc Pharmacokinetics, Faculty of Pharmacy, Paris V, 2007.